Guidance from our By-Laws

Pursuant to the PGSA By-Laws, annually PGSA Board of Director seats are up for reelection. Terms of office is 2 years. The specific positions that are available rotate from year to year as to maintain continuity. The roles of President, Secretary and six other director seats will be voted on during even years. The roles of Vice President, Treasurer and five remaining director seats will be voted on During odd years.

Click here for By-Laws

For August 2024 elections, the following seats are available:

President’s Role (1)

The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the PGSA, and, subject to the instructions of the Board of Directors, shall have general charge of the business affairs and property of the PGSA, and control over its other officers, agents and employees. They shall preside at all meetings of the Members and of the Board of Directors. The President shall do and perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to them by the Board of Directors.

Secretary’s Role (1)

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of Members and of the Board of Directors. They shall be custodian of the records, books, reports, statements, certificates, and other documents of the PGSA and of the seal of the PGSA. In general, They shall perform all duties and possess all authority incident to the office of Secretary, and they shall perform such other duties and have such other authority as from time to time may be assigned to them by the Board of Directors.

General Board of Director’s Role (6)

The property, affairs, and business of the PGSA shall be managed by the Board of Directors. Each Director shall be entitled to one vote. Officers of the PGSA shall also be voting Directors of the Board. No Director of the Board shall use the resources, business, or finances of the PGSA for personal use or profit.

Fall 2024 Nominee Biographies

President – 1 Nominee

MARK ELLINGWOOD: My name is Mark Ellingwood, candidate for President and current ’13 Stars White head coach.  I have been involved with PGSA through my daughters (’13 and ’15) for the last 5 years starting with Academy Jrs, then Academy and now the Classics program, I have spent the last year as Vice President at PGSA.  I have had the pleasure of watching my daughters grow up in the program and have gotten to see firsthand what a strong development program can do for a player.  My love for the game started when I was 8, I played on club, high school, and college teams in New Hampshire. After my playing days ended, I took up coaching and was able to coach a team from U10 to U19, while also serving on the board of that club. I truly enjoy being around and involved in the game.  My hope for PGSA is to continue to build a strong developmental program, fostering a learning environment that allows each player to reach their highest potential.  I want to see this program to continue to grow year after year.

SECRETARY – 1 Nominee

MARK JACOBSON: I am the Father of Marley Jacobson Player on the 09 PGSA STARS GREEN G team. Currently employed as a Quality Assurance professional with Thermo Fisher Scientific. With a love for the game and an unwavering passion to make an impact in the sport that brings my daughter immense joy, I am proud to be an active member of PGSA. I have been fortunate to serve on the Board of Directors since 2021 initially holding a General Board of Directors position and currently Part of the Executive Board Committee as the Secretary. During my time on the Board, I have learned a lot about what it takes to operate our club. We are built and operated on a group of like-minded passionate people that want the best for the Club and increase the visibility of soccer in the greater Greenville and surrounding area. I have been fortunate to be part of Board of Directors as an active lead within the following projects/activities:

  • Moving PGSA fanwear to an inhouse managed process that has raised the club’s visibility, pride, and added a sustainable modest revenue stream.
  • Established a more formalized set of policies and procedures that help standardize and document the inner workings of the club.
  • Updated By-laws to better match the contemporary guidelines of the club and allow for better application of the laws for future growth and expansion.
  • Transitioned the website to a more up-to-date platform with capacity for future growth and added features. Currently maintains the site as a resource to members and the general public.
  • Grew the Club’s social media presence by 33% through consistent posting and refined posts that focuses on information and club/team achievements.
  • Established and actively growing the relationship with Greenville United FC.
  • Managed PlayMetrics transition with two main focuses in mind – central communication and repository of information for members and single system of record keeping for club administration and personnel.

With the previous work that I have participated in, it is humbling to know how much more work is still needed. One of our biggest challenges as well as an exciting metric is our recent and expected growth. Excellence in achievement is not measured by simply doing what has been done in the past; but also, what can be accomplished in the future. If elected, I plan to continue to work the with Board to build upon the progress that has been made and take on and propose new innovations that help the club focus on its mission to provide highly competitive soccer to the area.


PAUL BRINEY: Hello, my name is Paul Briney. Born and raised in Ocean City, New Jersey, I played soccer throughout my childhood. I am a dedicated educator with 20 years of experience with Pitt County Schools. Currently, I serve as the principal of Wintergreen Schools in Greenville, NC, where I reside with my wonderful wife Elizabeth and our two daughters, Mary Carson, and Grayson. Our family is deeply rooted in this community, and for the past three years, Grayson has been actively involved with PGSA.

With a strong passion for both education and community involvement, I am enthusiastic about contributing to the development and direction of our soccer club. I believe in the power of collaboration and look forward to working with all stakeholders to foster a positive and inclusive environment. My goal is to ensure the sustainability and growth of PGSA, helping to create a thriving soccer community for all our children.

CARDER FRUTIGER: I am running for election to the PGSA Board in order to partner with other board members to facilitate club expansion, implement strategic planning for long term growth and create an environment that better connects and empowers our members. I have over 20 years of experience as a business leader and six years of experience on a non-profit board, including serving as assistant secretary, secretary, and treasurer. I am currently the head coach for the 2014 Girls Green Team. I previously spent three seasons as a PGSA Academy coach and six seasons as a Future Stars coach. Beginning last season, I launched the PGSA Player Development Clinic to better connect our club with the Future Stars program and to help promote our Academy. I understand the power of community and the potential we have as a group to leverage our talents to make PGSA one of the top clubs in our state. I have a passion for PGSA and the incredible ability our organization has to build community and create a positive environment for youth sports. If elected I will utilize my experience and knowledge to further promote the growth and advancement of our club. I look forward to the opportunity to lead and serve our players and families.

ROYCE GRADY: My name is Royce Grady. I am currently the head coach of the 2009 girls’ white team and the 2010 girls’ green team. I have been a coach at PGSA for 14 years, coaching boys and girls at both the Academy and classic level.  I am also finishing my 12th year on the PGSA Board of Directors where I have served the last 4 as President.  I have seen a lot of changes within PGSA over the years and I’m proud to have been a part of many of them. Coaching and serving this organization are passions of mine and I hope to continue to serve for many years to come. I bring a unique perspective to the board as I have had the great opportunity to serve on multiple committees, serve throughout multiple administrations and help new board members transition into our board room. Now, as all things tend to do, my participation is coming full circle and I would like to continue to serve PGSA where I started, as a voting member, so I can continue to be a part of the club’s growth, provide historical context from previous administrations, and assist as we transition to a new President.

ASHLEY GUTTENBERGER: My name is Ashley Guttenberger. I have two children, one of which has been playing for PGSA for the last 3 years at the academy level. I have grown up playing soccer all the way through high school and enjoy passing on the love for the game to my children. I am very excited at the opportunity to be involved more in the decision making and to be able to support the soccer association that has provided my daughter a wonderful start to her soccer career.

JAKE JENSEN: I am a husband of an awesome wife who loves soccer, and 4 terrific kids who all play the game! I was blessed to play varsity soccer and club soccer in high school as well as competing in intramural soccer throughout college. I have coached Future Stars for the last 6 years and love working with kids. I lived in Mexico for two years and speak Spanish fluently. I feel it is important to have someone bilingual on the board who can give support to our growing Spanish speaking community.

Soccer brings friendship, teamwork, competition, learning how to win and lose with dignity. It is “The Beautiful Game”. As a member of the PGSA Board I will be committed to strengthening opportunities for our kids to compete at the highest level, and have access to incredible mentors and coaches who will continue to grow the game in Greenville.

I am a Professor at East Carolina University and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Too many of our kids face major issues with anxiety and depression. I want to work with these kids to help them feel supported and understood and also help improve their family support system. I have seen how soccer can unite families, increase social connections for players and parents alike, strengthen children’s psychological growth, and improve self-esteem. I’m excited to get to work improving an already well-run organization by serving as a member of the PGSA board!    

JIM LEWIS: My name is Jim Lewis, and for nine years, my family has been involved with the Pitt Greenville Soccer Association (PGSA). My three children have grown and thrived within the soccer programs offered, from Future Stars to Academy and Classic levels. Witnessing their development in sportsmanship and leadership within this nurturing yet competitive atmosphere has been just as I hoped. My role on the PGSA Board of Directors has been a fulfilling way to contribute to an organization that has enriched our lives significantly. In my four years on the board, I’ve engaged in various capacities, including Building & Grounds, Policies & Procedures, Team Development, and Tournaments, and I’ve served as the PGSA Field Coordinator. My commitment to PGSA’s mission—to provide a safe and supportive environment for young athletes in Pitt County and beyond to grow in all aspects of life through soccer—remains steadfast. I am particularly passionate about my work with the Team Development Committee, ensuring that each player has the chance to compete at their highest level. As I collaborate with new board members, I am eager to help steer the club towards its long-term objectives, leaving a lasting legacy that will benefit our soccer community long after my children have left the field.

MELANIE MILLER: My name is Melanie Miller, and I am currently the manager of the 2010 Girls team. My daughter Mackenzie has been playing with PGSA since 2018 and has grown tremendously as a player and teammate through her involvement with the club. Sports have always been an important part of my life, earlier through my own involvement and more recently through our 3 children’s participation in various recreation and school athletics. Professionally, I am the Director of Human Resources for SDS Restaurant Group (Pizza Hut) and also work on athletic sponsorships and digital marketing as part of this role. I’m interested in joining the board to ensure PGSA continues to grow and that the club can provide a great experience for players, coaches, and parents, both now and in the future. 

BRYAN MURPHREY: My name is Bryan Murphrey, candidate for General Board Seat. Our family has been a part of PGSA since 2019, when our daughter Hannah joined the club after playing several seasons with the Future Stars program. I have served as the Team Manager for the 2011 Stars Green girls’ team since 2020. My main focus in this role has always been to help create a family atmosphere that fosters a positive environment for our players to grow and develop in their soccer journey. In addition to helping with the 2011’s, I have served on the Building and Grounds Committee for the past year, while also volunteering at the Beast of the East and PGSA tryouts. PGSA is a big part of daily life at the Murphrey household, and the long-term growth and success of the club is important to me. If elected to the board, I would like to focus on developing creative ways to support our current players and coaches, as well as, finding new ways to grow the soccer community and partnerships within the area.

SCOTT NUSOM: Scott Nusom is an active-duty Army officer currently serving as the Professor of Military Science (Army) at East Carolina University. Throughout his 19 years of military service, Scott has held a variety of leadership and staff positions in the United States and overseas. Scott and his wife, Holly, have four children, to include three soccer-playing daughters. Their Army assignments have allowed his family to participate in club soccer programs in New York, Pennsylvania, Kansas, and Tennessee.  Scott has experience coaching at the high school level (football and baseball) and has coached his own children at the youth level in soccer, football, basketball, and baseball. Scott and his family are in their first year with PGSA and are excited to be a part of the Greenville/Pitt County community. They have two daughters playing in the club (15U and 14U).

TOM SIERANT: My name is Tom Sierant, and I am running for one of the open General Board Seats for  PGSA. I am originally from Blairstown, NJ where I grew up playing organized sports from the age of 5 and throughout High School. My main sport concentration was soccer where I was a part of recreation and travel leagues as well as a four-year varsity starter in High School. After High School, I attended to East Carolina University where I graduated with a Bachelor in Science in Business Education with a concentration in Information Technology. Since 2006 I have been a Technology Specialist for the College of Health and Human Performance. Over my 18 years at ECU, I have served on multiple committees and boards. I have been married to Ashley for 18 years as well. We have two daughters Maddie and Harper. Harper will be entering her 3rd year with the Girls 2013 Stars Green.

DEBORAH WATERS: My name is Deb Waters. My family and I are very passionate about the PGSA programs and would love the opportunity to bring my thoughts and experiences to the board. I have spent the past two seasons coaching the 2016 Girls’ Academy team and have had the wonderful opportunity of building relationships with those families and players. I would love to make a bigger impact on this organization.

What I can bring to the board: I have a strong professional background in organizational development and over 15 years of human resources experience. My professional experience includes policy and procedure writing, training and development, relationships and teamwork building, and risk management. In addition to my previous PGSA coaching experience, I have coached my daughters’ youth soccer teams in Future Stars and Ayden Recreations & Parks. I have also coached gymnastics

and cheerleading for ages ranging from youth to collegiate.

Our players are the #1 focus of PGSA. I look forward to the possibility of joining the PSGA board to grow and foster the best relationship between the players, families, coaches, and board members.

JOHN WORTHINGTON: My name is John Worthington, and I appreciate the opportunity to run for a General Board Seat at PGSA. I have lived my entire life in Pitt County. For 27 years, I have enjoyed growing into leadership at Doug Henry Chevrolet, Inc and Doug Henry Ford Inc. in Tarboro, NC. It has

been my greatest pleasure watching my oldest daughter, Charlie, smile, play and develop at PGSA for one full season on the 2016 Stars Team. I have also served under Coaches Waters and Becker as an Assistant Coach for the last year. I played youth soccer with the City of Greenville growing up and enjoyed several seasons as Assistant Coach at Future Stars. My wife, Heather, and I have two younger Future Stars that are showing strong interest in soccer that we’d love to see play at PGSA too. For these reasons, I’d be honored to get more involved at the PGSA Leadership level.